Burn in the Forest recognized as a Burning Man Official Regional Event

Your Burning Man Vancouver Regional Contacts are happy to announce that we have received notification from the Burning Man Project Regional Events Committee that Burn in the Forest 2022 has been approved as an Burning Man Official Regional Event.

Receiving this status is an honour, and we want to ensure that everyone feels included in the creation of our flagship community event. 

This official status allows GVIAS and the BitF Production team to utilize the trademarked logo and words such as ‘Burning Man’ in their materials and promotion. The Regional Contacts are tasked with overseeing and ensuring that the event adheres to all guidelines, requirements and that the event follows Burning Man’s 10 Principles. Guidelines include such things as making sure the event is:

  • Properly permitted (occupancy, fire, sound, etc) and in accordance with local laws.
  • Properly insured, naming the associated organizing entity, and “Black Rock City, LLC” as additional insured.
  • Has safety/medical, security and appropriate fire safety plans, including considerations for COVID-19 precautions.
  • All accounting must be transparent.
  • Post event wrap up reports & Financials posted publicly.
  • Any funds raised should benefit the entire community.

Congratulations to the Burn in the Forest Production Team, to the GVIAS Board and to our community for the care and attention to these guidelines.

If you have any questions on this subject, please contact your Vancouver Regional Contacts team via [email protected] (Jai Aquarian, Simon Saxomasaurus, squishelle & Venture)

Links for more information:
BitF 2022 FB Discussion Group: www.facebook.com/groups/BitF2022
Regional Network Info: regionals.burningman.org
Burning Man Vancouver Regional News Page: facebook.com/vancouverburners
Greater Vancouver Interactive Arts Society: gvias.org

Membership Is Free

But Some Assembly Required

We are guided by the 10 principles of Burning Man. These principles guide our interactions with one another and the environment and have a strong ethos of participation. As such, our events and the society are entirely dependent upon community participation.

Membership isn't required to participate, but members enjoy a number of perks including access to a community of doers and dreamers.

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