Anyone who is interested in contributing to the society is welcome to apply for membership. We follow principles of Radical Inclusion and Participation. We welcome anyone who wishes to become involved.
All members must provide their legal name and physical address according to the BC Society Act. This information will be stored on GVIAS servers in B.C. GVIAS’s use of personal information is governed by the BC Personal Information Protection Act.
Here you will find our policies and committee information, BOD minutes, and more. You will be able to vote at an AGM or General Meeting and be able to volunteer for committees. In the meantime you can request this information by contacting the board.
Membership applications received less than 30 days prior to the AGM will be processed within 30 days of the AGM. New applications will receive notification of membership at this time.
Members will be enrolled in our mailing list and receive newsletters. To unsubscribe, see the footer in any email received.